
12 Principles for How To Date As A Christian from Pastor Mark Driscoll

1.Maximize your singleness for God.
2.Do not pursue a relationship until you’re in a season of life when you’re ready to marry.
3.Be reasonable with your expectations.
4.A date is not dating. A date is when you have coffee, or go out to dinner. 1 Timothy 5 says to treat younger women like sisters. It doesn’t need to be all sexually charged and confusing. He initiates, she responds.
5.Have a plan.
6.Accept the fact that you may be rejected.
7.Do not date or go on a date with anyone who’s not a Christian. 2 Corinthians 6:4, “Do not be unequally yoked.” A man needs to love Jesus, and then a woman needs to love Jesus, and then that man and woman can love Jesus together. And this includes marrying someone who has equal theological convictions. What kind of church do you want to go to?
8.Only date one person at a time.
9.Look at who God puts in front of you. Eg. Boaz & Ruth.
10.Only invest in a relationship with someone that you are attracted to. physical, mental, and spiritual connection. Are you totally attracted to this person?
11.Only marry someone who agrees with you on issues of gender and family.
12.Guard your heart. Proverbs 4:23. Don’t give your heart away too quick.

Full video of the sermon can be accessed  here, with time-stamp at the same place.
Sermon Transcript
A more elaborate e-book (pdf)

PS. Thankful to have listened to this sermon. Important lesson to many single Christians including me.

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