Have you ever shot a set of burst images that you want to convert it to Boomerang style? Playing forward and backward indefinitely? All you need is one line command, so long as you have ImageMagick installed.
If you already have a GIF, for example from Google Photos, you can run this:
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convert -coalesce input.gif -delete -1 -delete 0 -reverse -coalesce input.gif -loop 0 animation.gif |
For a set of burst photos, you can run this:
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convert *.jpg -loop 0 animation.gif |
Tested on Ubuntu 16.04.1 using ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16 x86_64.

You can upload it to your favourite GIF hosting service like GIPHY, or your own site, from there you can share it to social media like Facebook.
If you’d like to upload to Instagram, you can create a mp4. You can add in additional audio as well.
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ffmpeg -i optional_audio.mp3 -framerate 10 -i IMG%4d.jpg -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -strict experimental -b:a 3000k -vf "fps=24,format=yuv420p" -shortest out.mp4 |