
Change /tmp mount for AVD installation in IntelliJ IDEA

After a day struggling to make space for /tmp just for installing a new system image for Android Virtual Device, right before I gave up, this magical thought came to my mind: why not change /tmp mount to somewhere more spacious: /home/<user>/tmp!


Make `jekyll serve` a systemd Service

Recently I have just started to try out Jekyll, but I realized jekyll serve does not come with any script to allow me to run it on system startup. Thus, a simple script is written to make it a systemd script. This script runs jekyll serve on startup.


Prevent Ubuntu 16.04 Lock Screen from Dimming

It annoys me that Ubuntu always dims and goes to blank screen whenever I lock my screen. To prevent this, I have written a script and now share it with all my readers.


Correcting Default CJK font to Chinese in Ubuntu 16.04

Ubuntu 16.04 Chinese font has seemed a bit odd to me since Day 1, but I probably have got used to it. I didn’t quite realize it until Graham Ou’s answer on Quora pointed it out, that I have been reading the Japanese version of the same characters. Here’s how you should change it.


Ajenti-v with php7.0-fpm on Ubuntu 16.04.1

Today the site was down for a few hours after upgrading from Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS to 16.04.1 LTS. Ajenti-v was not able to work immediately, due to PHP version upgraded from 5.6 to 7.0. Here is the solution.


Sublime Text 3 Chinese input with fcitx

Have you recently (re)installed your Ubuntu desktop? Your fcitx Chinese input somehow doesn’t work, does it? Here’s the solution: patch to the Sublime Text 3 for Chinese fcitx input. Tested on Ubunt 14.04 and 16.04.1 LTS.

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